Training rules
Modesty, perseverance, self control, indomitable spirit
Eum Yang’s club creed
- We shall effectively make use of our lives, bodies and intelligence to the utmost.
- We shall always respect our parents, elders and teachers.
- We shall always think what is right and true.
- We shall always be honest, co-operative, kind and helpful.
- We shall do our best to heed modesty, self control, and social ethics with confidence.
- We shall be loyal.
Do jang rules
- Do jang (training hall) is a place of discipline, a place to learn and practice the fundamentals of korean martial arts.
- To show respect for the do jang, students must bow when entering and leaving do jang.

Respect for sabum nim
- Students should treat the instructor (sabum nim) with respect at all times.
- Address instructor “mr” or “miss “.
- When you are called answer “yes sir” or “yes miss”.
- Student will bow when approaching an instructor/master.
- Do not approach the instructor/master with trivial matters.
General conduct
- Arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the commencement of class.
- Sloppiness in training is unacceptable. Be attentive and alert.
- Talking during class should be kept to a minimum.
- No alcohol should be consumed before training.
- No smoking in do jang.
- No smoking while in do bok ( uniform ).
- Degrading of fellow students is not allowed.
- Degradation of this art is not allowed by misuse or showing off.
- Learn the basic training commands.
- Attend regular classes.
Health and safety
- Toe and fingernails must be well clipped.
- Make sure of your personal cleanliness before class.
- Make sure your do bok (uniform) is washed and ironed.
- No jewellery or body piercings should be worn during training.
- Food should not be consumed within 1 hour of training.
- Contact sparring is not permitted unless instructor is present.